MHFA can now be offered online! Read about our Virtual Mental Health First Aid Standard Certification Learn More

Pre-Approved Vendor for the Government of Canada

Mental Health
First Aid Training

Canada's Mental Health Trainer

Hi, I'm Yvette Murray—Canada's Mental Health Trainer. I'd love to connect with you in-person or virtually to talk to your workplace or group about the signs and symptoms of a mental health illness or problem. How do you have these conversations? How do you get support? I'm at your side to guide you through it all.


Pre-Approved Vendor for the Government of Canada

Virtual Course Registration


Private Events


Speaking Events

Mental Health Icon

Just as physical first aid is administered to an injured person before medical treatment can be obtained, mental health first aid (MHFA) is given until appropriate treatment is found or until the crisis is resolved.

Certificate Icon

We provide mental health first aid training as continuing education or professional development. Whether you are a security guard or social worker who needs certification or simply want to gain a greater awareness and understanding of mental health issues, this course is for you.

Social Hands Icon

MHFA training helps participants recognize common mental health illnesses and problems, increase confidence in providing help to others, and decrease social distance from people with mental health illnesses or problems.

MHFA Standard (Virtual)

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is the support provided to a person who may be experiencing a decline in their mental well-being or a mental health crisis.


The Mental Health Commission of Canada reports that one in every five Canadians experiences a mental health problem within a given year. While we often know a lot about physical illness, there tends to be less knowledge about mental health or substance use problems. This lack of understanding leads to fear and negative attitudes towards individuals living with these problems. It prevents people from seeking help for themselves and from providing appropriate support to people around them.



  • Module ONE - Self Directed- Pre-requisite (must complete before Virtual Classroom)
    Introduction to MHFA (2 Hours)
  • Module TWO - Virtual Classroom- Live
    MHFA for Declining Mental Well-Being (3 Hours)
  • Module THREE - Virtual Classroom – Live
    MHFA for Crisis Situations (3 Hours)

Please note: Module 2 & 3 can be scheduled on same day OR different days within a two week period.

Mental Health First Aid On-Site 1-Day Certification

Our instructor will come to your place of work for the one-day Mental Health First Aid Certification. To best suit your schedule, you can choose the timing, 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM OR 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM or other.


Minimum 8, maximum 25 students

Additional Info:

  • Pricing: $2995.00 plus HST, includes materials and certification
  • Government rate: $2495.00 plus HST
  • Certification available Canada-wide. Travel fees for outside GTA. Please inquire.

Mental Health First Aid On-Site 2-Day Certification

Our instructor will come to your place of work for the two-day Mental Health First Aid Certification. To best suit your schedule, you can choose the timing for both days, 8am-4pm OR 9am-5pm


Minimum 8, maximum 25 students

Additional Info:

  • Pricing: $2995.00 plus HST, includes materials and certification
  • Government rate: $2495.00 plus HST
  • Certification available Canada-wide. Travel fees for outside GTA. Please inquire.

Mental Health One Day Seminar

During this ONE Day Seminar you’ll learn an overview of the sign/symptoms and how to get the best appropriate help for someone experiencing a Mental Health Crisis/Problem/Disorder


Mental Health Lunch and Learn

Learn the benefits of Mental Health First Aid while starting the conversation of Mental Health Illness and addressing stigma.



Using a simple yet effective model, LivingWorks safeTALK empowers everyone to make a difference. With over 120,000 people attending each year, it’s the world’s fastest-growing suicide prevention training.


Mental Health Webinars


Suicide Awareness On-Demand Webinar

Canada’s Mental Health Trainer Yvette Murray helps participants recognize common signs of someone who may be at risk for suicide, increase confidence in providing help to others, and decrease social distance from people with mental health illnesses or problems.


We have provided mental health training for:

About The Instructor

Yvette Murray is a mental health advocate, influencer, motivational speaker, and keynote speaker; a psychotherapist; and a facilitator of the Mental Health First Aid Certification. Yvette also offers coaching and training support in Workplace Mental Health Law. A passionate mental health advocate, Yvette loves to travel internationally in person and virtually to deliver keynotes on Mental Health, train Mental Health First Aid certification and Workplace Mental Health Law for non-profit organizations, corporations, government agencies, institutions, corporations, and individuals.

Yvette has taught students employed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada, Global Affairs Canada, Federal Government, National Defense, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Natural Resources Canada, Scotia Trust, MD Trust, Scotia Wealth Management, Ellis Don, Salvation Army, Shepherds of Good Hope, CFIA, UFCW, Loblaws, Starbucks, and Hospitals. Yvette has taught students across a variety of industries, including human resources, insurance, security, retail, law firms, banks, and many other trades.

In addition to her experience as a mental health educator, Yvette is a Body Language Institute (BLI) Certified Instructor. A graduate of the BLI “You Can’t Lie to Me” Train the Trainer program, Yvette is trained and mentored by the Internationally sought after Body Language Expert, Janine Driver, New York Times Best Selling Author and Award-Winning Keynote Speaker, the go-to expert in lie detecting and body language for the media, the FBI, CIA, ATF and the International Chiefs of Police.

Yvette is a seasoned entrepreneur, producing several huge consumer trade shows; hosting world-renowned speakers such as Dr. Mehmet Oz, Jenny McCarthy, Patch Adams, James Redfield, and more. Yvette has the foresight to know what needs to get done, she is always ready and willing to assist. She’s a forward thinker and a visionary who has a wise, down-to-earth relatability to people. A Certified Psychotherapist by trade, Yvette’s vision is to assist people to connect to their authentic self. Yvette is also a LivingWorks Instructor offering certified safeTALK Suicide Alert training, a Certified LivingWorks ASIST Suicide First Aider, certified in safeTALK, and is a Suicide Alert Helper. Yvette is also certified in the Osgoode York University Workplace Mental Health Law.

Yvette’s company is designated as a pre-approved government vendor via the Government of Canada’s ProServices in multiple streams, including facilitator consultant for mental health.

Yvette is a contributing author to the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s Catalyst Magazine and the author of the upcoming book The Mental Health Contagion™️: Navigating Yourself Through a Loved One’s Mental Well-Being Decline.

For media enquiries please contact

Pre-Approved Vendor for the Government of Canada